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    TrendsInvestmentsFiduciaryPlan design

    Considerations before including cryptocurrency in employee benefit plans

    Cryptocurrency has been a hot topic in the news and popular among some younger DIY investors. But should this relatively new type of investment be part of employee benefits packages?

    August 09, 2023 | 2 min read

    TrendsRetirement readiness

    The role race plays in planning for retirement

    Retirement guidance that doesn’t consider factors such as race and ethnicity is incomplete. Not every experience with money or employment is universal, so financial planning that’s inclusive of ethnicities, family makeup and life circumstances is vital to help ensure everyone gets a fair chance at thriving in retirement.

    June 21, 2023 | 3 min read

    TrendsPlan design

    Study: race and ethnicity can impact financial views and worries

    People often struggle with conversations about differences in experiences among people of varying racial and ethnic groups. 

    June 14, 2023 | 4 min read

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    TrendsPolicySECURE 2.0

    Small employers could benefit from a PEP talk

    Small employers can struggle to compete with major corporations. Not only do bigger companies typically have larger purse strings, they may also be able to offer more attractive benefits. As a result, small businesses sometimes miss out on recruiting top talent.

    April 05, 2023 | 3 min read

    TrendsPlan design

    Executive employee retention: Could you be doing more to help?

    A purpose. Community. Professional growth. A paycheck. What employees get out of work varies depending on their role, so you can’t approach everyone with one-size-fits-all encouragement. If a company wants to retain good leaders, which is crucial for any future business success, many different incentives should be considered — not the least of which is compensation.

    March 22, 2023 | 4 min read


    March 17, 2023, Update on the bank crisis

    On Tuesday March 14, 2023, Cuna Mutual Group hosted a Special market update: Bank crisis webinar discussing the current state of the market related to the banking crisis. Since Tuesday, the stream of headlines covering possible financial contagion has been fast and furious.

    March 17, 2023 | 2 min read


    Plan fiduciary? Know your responsibilities to protect your plan & yourself

    Are you a plan fiduciary?

    If you are, are you aware of your legal fiduciary duties, and can you demonstrate the steps you take to meet your responsibilities?

    February 22, 2023 | 4 min read

    TrendsMedicare/Social SecurityPlan design

    How you can help employees understand Social Security benefits

    Considering how important an income source Social Security benefits have become for U.S. retirees, many Americans demonstrate a poor understanding of this vital program.

    In fact, a recent study found that almost half (49%) of U.S. adults aren’t certain how much of their income Social Security replaces (or will replace).1 Likewise, 49% of survey respondents believed — incorrectly — that their benefits would increase at full retirement age if they file to receive benefits early.1

    February 01, 2023 | 4 min read


    What role can social media play in your business?

    Social media is an integral part of the lives of many people across the country — to the tune of roughly seven-in-ten Americans using it.1 Aside from sharing memes and cute puppy videos, many professionals can leverage different social media networks to grow their audience — and maybe their business as well.

    So, what role can social media play in helping you grow? Let’s review how you can boost their messages to a greater audience by being part of their daily scroll.

    January 18, 2023 | 3 min read