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    InvestmentsFiduciaryPlan design

    How effective is your target date strategy?

    Target-date funds, or TDFs, can have a powerful influence on plan participants’ retirement savings by helping to simplify investment decision-making. And when TDFs are carefully selected to match with plan participant characteristics and behaviors, they have the potential to help more participants achieve greater retirement security.

    June 05, 2024 | 4 min read

    Retirement readinessPlan design

    Pension plans? Retirement survey shows changing retirement landscape

    Many workers today have the opportunity to participate in an employer-sponsored 401(k) retirement plan. And employers continue to leverage these types of retirement benefits as major recruitment tools.

    March 13, 2024 | 2 min read

    InvestmentsRetirement readinessPlan design

    What is your retirement language?

    As a financial professional, you’re well versed in the lingo and jargon of the industry. Terms like “fiduciary” or “pension risk transfer” may roll off your tongue with ease. You’ve also gained a full understanding of the importance of taking action ahead of retirement to ensure comfortable living. Those you advise or guide through defined contribution plans, however, may not be nearly as versed as you.

    February 28, 2024 | 3 min read

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    WellnessPlan design

    10 excellent reasons to offer stress testing for retirement plans

    Stress testing can be a powerful tool for financial professionals to personalize their approach to retirement plan service. But retirement plan professionals are far from alone in benefiting from stress testing.

    January 31, 2024 | 4 min read

    Retirement readinessPlan design

    Five retiree types: how plan design can help influence retirement security

    The transition from working to retirement impacts just about every facet of a person’s life — yes, even taxes. So, as plan participants prepare to embark on their post-career lives, it’s reasonable to expect them to have new questions about tax implications of retirement account withdrawals.

    After a lifetime spent saving, investing, and diversification, with retirement, the participant’s goal may not have changed, but their strategy will. They most likely still aim to achieve a financially secure retirement; but now, they face the challenge of transforming savings and investments into an income stream.

    January 24, 2024 | 4 min read

    PolicyFinancial literacyPlan design

    Ideas to educate your employees during annual benefits enrollment

    Leaves are falling. There’s a chill in the air. It can only mean one thing: Annual benefits enrollments are right around the corner!

    October 04, 2023 | 3 min read

    InvestmentsRetirement readinessPlan design

    How defined benefit plans supercharge the powers of retirement benefit offerings

    High-income owners of small and mid-sized businesses often face challenges maximizing their own retirement plan contributions while also affordably covering contributions to employee retirement benefits.

    August 16, 2023 | 3 min read

    TrendsInvestmentsFiduciaryPlan design

    Considerations before including cryptocurrency in employee benefit plans

    Cryptocurrency has been a hot topic in the news and popular among some younger DIY investors. But should this relatively new type of investment be part of employee benefits packages?

    August 09, 2023 | 2 min read

    InvestmentsPlan design

    The role of stable value funds in a diversified 401(k) portfolio

    When plan sponsors and financial professionals choose plan investment options, their aim is to provide all participants with choices that are appropriate for their retirement savings objectives, while acknowledging that different people’s objectives are likely to vary widely.

    July 12, 2023 | 3 min read