Your total retirement blog

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    Financial literacyRetirement readiness

    Retirement readiness obstacles facing the next generation

    Today’s young adults, including the youngest millennials and older Gen Z members, are experiencing a decade of working that’s very different from those of previous generations.

    July 17, 2024 | 3 min read

    InvestmentsRetirement readiness

    Why clients need a formal, written retirement plan

    "What gets written gets done."  You’ve likely heard this popular phrase. Perhaps you’ve even taken it to heart and written down your own health and fitness goals or career objectives.

    May 15, 2024 | 3 min read

    Practice managementRetirement readinessMedicare/Social Security

    How to help retirees anticipate expenses in retirement

    Understandably, financial professionals and their clients often focus on potential returns and projected income in retirement. In addition to leveraging traditional investments and employer-sponsored plans, clients are encouraged to strategize their timing for claiming Social Security.

    April 17, 2024 | 3 min read

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    Retirement readinessMedicare/Social Security

    The right retirement age? Go beyond Social Security timing

    A lot of emphasis is placed on calculating Social Security benefits as part of a retirement strategy. And rightly so.

    April 03, 2024 | 3 min read

    Retirement readinessPlan design

    Pension plans? Retirement survey shows changing retirement landscape

    Many workers today have the opportunity to participate in an employer-sponsored 401(k) retirement plan. And employers continue to leverage these types of retirement benefits as major recruitment tools.

    March 13, 2024 | 2 min read

    InvestmentsRetirement readinessPlan design

    What is your retirement language?

    As a financial professional, you’re well versed in the lingo and jargon of the industry. Terms like “fiduciary” or “pension risk transfer” may roll off your tongue with ease. You’ve also gained a full understanding of the importance of taking action ahead of retirement to ensure comfortable living. Those you advise or guide through defined contribution plans, however, may not be nearly as versed as you.

    February 28, 2024 | 3 min read

    WellnessRetirement readinessMedicare/Social Security

    Retirement tips for the new year and soon-to-be retirees

    The turn of the calendar from one year to the next often brings with it New Year's resolutions. In addition to improved health, making better financial decisions often tops people’s lists.

    February 14, 2024 | 4 min read

    Retirement readinessMedicare/Social Security

    4 key retirement withdrawal tax considerations for plan participants

    The transition from working to retirement impacts just about every facet of a person’s life — yes, even taxes. So, as plan participants prepare to embark on their post-career lives, it’s reasonable to expect them to have new questions about tax implications of retirement account withdrawals.

    After a lifetime spent saving, investing, and diversification, with retirement, the participant’s goal may not have changed, but their strategy will. They most likely still aim to achieve a financially secure retirement; but now, they face the challenge of transforming savings and investments into an income stream.

    February 07, 2024 | 4 min read

    Retirement readinessPlan design

    Five retiree types: how plan design can help influence retirement security

    The transition from working to retirement impacts just about every facet of a person’s life — yes, even taxes. So, as plan participants prepare to embark on their post-career lives, it’s reasonable to expect them to have new questions about tax implications of retirement account withdrawals.

    After a lifetime spent saving, investing, and diversification, with retirement, the participant’s goal may not have changed, but their strategy will. They most likely still aim to achieve a financially secure retirement; but now, they face the challenge of transforming savings and investments into an income stream.

    January 24, 2024 | 4 min read